Join 100+ B2B founders growing their brands with Signing Clients OS – sales systems that shape to your business.

Making signing clients simple

Get proven systems to bring high quality clients, repeatedly.
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Signing Clients OS

Is this you?

You have clients but don't know how to grow
Your team is stuck in constant sales-mode
Your clients are difficult and want too much
You've tried a lot of tactics but nothing stuck
You're overwhelmed by sales and marketing
You're lacking processes within your business
You're not known enough in the industry
You don't feel good enough to raise prices
You're ready to invest in your business

Step By Step

We’ll help you
sign 5-figure clients repeatedly

by transforming your sales process in the next 30 days in these 3 steps:
Step 3

Finding people who will
throw money at you

Identify prospects who don't need persuading and pushing.

Approach your market in a way that caters to your strengths and resources and annoys nobody.
Step 3

Making offers they will
feel stupid rejecting

Surprise and comfort your clients with your no-brainer offer.

And never again work for free, meet crazy deadlines, or be left unpaid.
Step 3

Signing big clients with
ease and consistency

Eliminate the fear and uncertainty of selling, even if you've struggled before.

Follow our non-cringy way of handling meetings and negotiations that will give you confidence without being salesy.
Filip's picture

Hi, I'm Filip
I’ve closed contracts worth millions and built online funnels for  billion-dollar businesses

If there's one thing I know in this world, is how to sign good clients.

For years, I've been working alongside a friend of mine selling the same boring product and I couldn't understand one thing:

How was he always so busy?

Turns out, he had double the customers I had... on contracts for half the money.

Double the work.

Double the headache.

Same cash.

While I spent time building automated lead generation systems and enjoying life, he sat through meeting after meeting with poor prospects and absorbing small customers.

If you want to avoid it...

Build a Better Business

Do It Yourself
Signing Clients OS

A framework to build an ultimate client acquisition system
Make your offer
Find your audience
Generate heaps of leads
Qualify and convert them
Get endless recommendations
Build assets and referral systems
Download now
it's free

Done With You
Building Your Funnel

Work with us to design and implement a high-converting sales framework for your business.
Market research
Audit and analysis
Customer interviews
Marketing asset creation
Content strategy and plan
Brand and landing page design
Funnel design and implementation
Automated acquisition systems plan
Ongoing support and team coaching
Book a discovery call
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